Bilateral Hand Rehabilitation Apparatus V1
In conjunction with the unilateral version, Radlab is collaborating with the health device company Myco to develop a new bilateral rehabilitation apparatus for the hand and wrist. This improved bilateral design allows patients to use their healthy hand to control repetitive flexion and extension exercises with their impaired hand. To allow greater usability, the two-part device can be reconfigured for either an impaired left or right hand. Effort that the patient is able to apply through the impaired hand during the exercises is recorded through custom-developed software that provides trackable visual feedback to both the patient and physician. A series of specially-designed neoprene gloves allow the patient to choose between targeting the hand or wrist joints during exercises. Xitome Design is serving as the electrical and mechanical engineering consultant for the project.
Status: Completed, 2011
Client: Myco
Location: Memphis, TN
Patent Pending
Project Team
Matt Trimble, Radlab
Garett Hwang, Radlab
Esko Heilner, Radlab
Jenny Wu, Radlab
David Wolfe, Radlab
John McBean, Xitome
Kailas Narendran, Xitome